Rightwing bloggers go off the rails
Update: Tom Tomorrow, as always, nails it.
So, let’s see; it’s now acceptable among the eye-bulging, froth-spewing Right to attack a seriously injured twelve-year-old boy and his little sister if their parents have the effrontery to make use of a government program designed explicitly to help people precisely in their situation.
I could link to various blogs, Michelle Malkin’s first among them, to make a point, but neither she nor any of them deserve the traffic. They’ve been given, via the intertubes, enough rope to hang themselves and I’m certainly not going to contribute to exposing anyone to their brand of hateful, toxic waste. There was a time (I came of age in the ’80’s) when people like Malkin and her mouthbreathing followers were called the “fringe”; respectable newspapers and magazines saw their letters as the ravings that they were and tossed them where they belonged: in the trash can beside the desk, and that was that.
Now, however, everyone has the power of the press online (provided anyone reads what you have to say). This is a good thing, considering the authoritarian direction our government has been sliding into in recent years, but as human nature dictates, there’s always a nasty underside. Hence Malkin and Townhall’s attempts (no links provided as I’m not going to give them credence) to demonize this little boy in order to keep their own bizarre version of “reality” true. Everything is falling apart around them and the desperation is setting in.
I’ve often said online and in conversation: these are hideous people, worthy of nothing but contempt.
The always terrific Eric Boehlert has the defining word on the subject.
What in the hell Is Wrong With These People?
Posted by electrolite at 7:15 PM
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