It’s only the gays who do that, right?
Sigh. For Christ’s sake.
Is it too much to ask the heartland people of America to understand that a political candidate who makes the loudest noises about “family values” and rails against “sin” and whatever other nonsense they (or their speechwriters) can dig up almost always has a dirty little secret?
What really ticks me off is that there are hundreds of thousands of perfectly well-adjusted gay men and women in this country who not only have the courage to live out of the closet, but also don’t troll for jollies in a filthy public restroom—–in a major airport, no less––while having gone on record denouncing a former, democratically elected President for consentual sexual hijinks.
Larry Craig, like Mark Foley before him, is both a pig and a true deviant; an ugly label his party so often relishes painting all gay people with simply to pick up a few extra votes from the perpetually grousing Limbaugh contingent.
What is it with these deeply self-loathing, closeted Republicans? This phenomenon is nothing new, obviously, but I’m going to repeat what’s been said many times before: if you hate who you are that much, get some therapy and quit fucking things up for the rest of us who are proudly gay, happy and normal, capeesh?
Update: Andrew Sullivan offers some rather good thoughts on this whole episode.
“A Bad, Naughtyboy”
Posted by
8:00 PM
“Political Serial Killer”
Turd Blossom heads out to pasture; Cheney’s influence now total.
There’s been quite a bit written already on this topic; suffice to say I’ve got nothing to add (the mere thought of Rove makes my blood pressure spike to unhealthy levels) that the always excellent Sidney Blumenthal hasn’t said about this rotten specimen of humanity already. Of course, keeping in character, Shrub will doubtlessly pardon him and he’ll either go on to a lucrative career on Fox News or collect millions in speaking fees on the wingnut welfare circuit.
Posted by
6:18 PM
The Unbearable “Issues” of Chris Matthews
Chris Matthews should be fired.
Digby rightly excoriates the excitable, unhinged TV talker, who really has become little more than an embarrassment for MSNBC. With the exception of the excellent Keith Olbermann, that’s really saying something for that network. In a reality-based world, Matthews would have been tossed out of the studio years ago for on-air antics that ranged from the merely puerile to the downright disturbing. As many have pointed out, this isn’t a normal hetero or homosexual thing; I don’t think actual sexual desire figures into it at all. This is something deeper, and much weirder. Sara Robinson of Orcinus has a very good take on the right-wing cult of “masculinity” and the need of people like Matthews for a big ol’ GOP “Daddy” figure to take care of them.
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5:02 PM
Back Again
“It’s been a long time, been a long time...”
Well, posting has been nonexistant for a long while now for a number of factors but primarily being busy at work with lots of big projects — all done on the computer — which has left me in the quandry that, short of answering any pressing personal emails, when I get home in the evening the very last thing I want to do is sit right back down at another computer, no matter what I have to say. (And posting from work is impossible). However, things have eased up a little bit so I'm going to attempt to update a little more often.
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4:50 PM